The Dramateurs, Inc. at the Barn Playhouse
Theater Address: 1700 Christopher Lane; Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 274, Eagleville, PA 19408-0274
Phone: (610) 539-BARN
Click the picture to visit the show's page.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in The Dramateurs, Inc. at the Barn Playhouse.
Please keep in mind that we are an all volunteer community group and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
You can always leave a message on our voicemail phone line: 610-539-BARN.
For information about season subscriptions or tickets:
Contact: Eileen Ciccarone, Box Office Committee Chair at
To volunteer to work as an usher or sell concessions during our performances:
Contact: Laurie Baltrus, House Committee Chair at
To volunteer to sell 50/50 Raffle tickets during our performances:
Contact: Laurie Baltrus, Ways & Means Committee at
To borrow or rent costumes from our inventory:
Contact: Jeanine Brotherston, Costume Committee Chair at
To borrow or rent props from our inventory:
Contact: Maureen Scallatino, Props Committee Chair at
To borrow or rent furniture items from our inventory:
Contact: Marianne DiNenno, Stage Committee Chair at
To update your contact information with us:
Contact: Marianne DiNenno, Publicity Chair at
To become a sponsor or advertise in our programs:
Contact: Marianne DiNenno at
Mail ticket purchases, season subscriptions, membership forms and all other correspondence to:
The Dramateurs, Inc.
P.O. Box 274
Eagleville, PA 19408-0274