The Dramateurs, Inc. at the Barn Playhouse
Theater Address: 1700 Christopher Lane; Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 274, Eagleville, PA 19408-0274
Phone: (610) 539-BARN
Click the picture to visit the show's page.
As a member of the organization you will receive:
one ticket to each production in our regular season [does not apply to our Youth Production/Fundraiser],
audition notices
organization news
invitations to organization sponsored social events.
an opportunity to vote in our annual elections and run for office (active members only).
Membership dues are $35.00.
To initiate membership status for the current season please forward dues payment and indicate change of address if applicable.
To receive a membership form, please email the membership chair at
Checks should be made payable to: The Dramateurs, Inc.
Mail form and payment to:
The Dramateurs, Inc.
ATTN: Membership Chair
P.O. Box 274
Eagleville, PA 19408
PA State Clearances
(Adopted January 9, 2019)
Pennsylvania Act 15 of 2015 set forth new requirements for volunteers who have contact with minors in the capacity of their volunteer work. This policy is therefore enacted to ensure the compliance of The Dramateurs, Inc. with this state-mandated law.
All adults involved in any Dramateurs-sponsored production or activity that also includes the participation of minors (ages 17 and under) in any capacity (including, but not limited to, actor, backstage work or as part of a production staff, orchestra, etc.) are required to provide all necessary clearance paperwork (as outlined below) to the Membership Committee Chair PRIOR to that individual beginning work on the production or activity. An adult is defined as anyone age 18 years or older, and a minor is defined as anyone age 17 years of age or younger. No individual, regardless of their role in the production or activity, shall be permitted to begin work until such time as the organization is in receipt of all paperwork.
All paperwork must be dated within 60 months of the last day of the production or activity. If paperwork expires before the completion of the production or activity, updated paperwork must be obtained PRIOR to the individual beginning work. Once your clearances are on file with the organization, you do not need to re-submit for additional productions until the expiration date of the clearances occurs.
In accordance with our organization’s By-Laws (Article IV, Section E), failure to comply with this policy will result in the adult’s removal from the production.
There are 3 items that are required:
1. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK (The fee is waived for volunteers)Applicants can also go to the Pennsylvania Access Criminal History website and apply for their criminal record check online with the Pennsylvania State Police at:
2. CHILD ABUSE CLEARANCE (Fee is waived once per 5-year cycle)
Child Abuse History Clearance Online: Creating an account and submitting your clearance application online will give you immediate access to your results or the status of your results if your results cannot be processed immediately.
3. FBI BACKGROUND CHECK (The cost for this was $22.60 in 2018)
Please note that if you've been a Pennsylvania resident for ten consecutive years prior to the date of your volunteer application, you may sign a waiver (available on our website) in lieu of obtaining the FBI Background Check.
If you require an FBI Background Check, please use code 1KG6ZJ and choose "Digital Fingerprinting" as the service when registering on the IdentoGO website. You must pre-register for your fingerprinting appointment at their website.
For more information:
FAQ from Department of Human Services:
Acceptable forms of identification for fingerprinting